27 Awesome Employee Engagement Ideas for Your Team

Cassy Aite
August 16, 2024
27 Awesome Employee Engagement Ideas for Your Team

Though the idea seems self-evident, keeping employees engaged at work is key to maintaining a successful workflow and company. According to a report from the Institute for Employment Studies, engaged employees are more likely to stay with an organization, and they perform 20% better than colleagues, thanks to increased effort and care in their work.

It’s simple—people who are happily engaged with their work are less likely to leave your organization for a competitor and display an exemplary work ethic.

With so many options available in a remote-friendly work world where location isn’t a significant factor for employees, keeping team members actively engaged has never been more important.

The Best Employee Engagement Ideas for Onsite and Remote Teams

Employee engagement won’t solve all your problems, but the concept evokes a symbiotic effect between employee and employer. The more effort and emphasis you place on engagement, the more valued your employees feel.

While you may have some proven ideas, we have our favorite employee engagement strategies as well. Try out a few of these employee engagement ideas to develop a focused, engaged workforce that improves employee morale, recognizes hard work, and adds a spark to your work environment.

1. Send Out Team Surveys

Collecting (and implementing) employee feedback is a catalyst for happier employees. An online survey gives them the freedom to answer work-related questions anonymously, providing valuable insight into how your company can improve. Think: Is your onboarding process suitable for remote teams? What kind of perks would help employees support their mental health?

At Hoppier, we also recommend sending out an employee engagement survey. When you know what activities, outings, and gifts elicit excitement — such as employee gift cards or an escape room — compared to the ones that don’t, you can tailor your engagement activities to have maximum impact.

2. Host Virtual Q&A Sessions

Another feedback-generating employee engagement idea is to host virtual events that involve a Q&A period. The dialogue that can take place during these discussions is a huge benefit to learning how people are feeling; it's great for brainstorming employee engagement strategies with the entire group in attendance.

3. Encourage Lines of Communication

Many workers are looking for opportunities to speak with their bosses, but those situations may not arise regularly. Change the status quo by encouraging employees to communicate with you. Hold virtual office hours or casual happy hours for those who want to chat about anything from career paths and company values to movies and sports.

4. Give People Work They Enjoy

Workers having fun at work with a few drinks

Not everyone likes doing the same types of work. It becomes monotonous, leads to burnout, and can roadblock engagement initiatives. Once you get a better understanding of your team, assign work based on each individual’s tastes and priorities.

If you want to cross-train people in other skills, have a virtual sign-up sheet to gauge interest. Professional development may seem mundane, but the bottom line is that you’re showing interest in their interests. When your staff feels valued in both onsite and remote work settings, you should see employee engagement follow.  

5. Provide More Responsibilities

Giving people development opportunities with extra responsibility is an employee engagement idea that keeps them motivated. It not only shows that you value their progression at your company, but it can also encourage employees to prove themselves worthy of receiving additional responsibilities.

Be mindful not to overwhelm them, which can lead to burnout. You can also take this concept to the next level through employee recognition programs. By touting the individuals willing to learn new skills and take on more responsibilities, you may inspire others to do the same.

6. Involve Them in Long-Term Projects

Making old and new hires involved in long-term projects can inspire them to look toward a bright future with your company. Instead of assigning menial tasks that may make them feel replaceable, include them in important projects so they see themselves as an asset.

7. Show Appreciation for Their Work

Sometimes, a simple “thank you” is all it takes to make your employees feel appreciated. Never take your team’s effort for granted; consistently giving them kudos will solve that. Developing a company culture of acknowledging good work can deliver a positive working experience for everyone and boost employee engagement exponentially.

8. Offer Incentives for Hitting Goals

One of the top employee engagement ideas is offering incentives for hitting goals or doing exceptional work. Giving performance-based rewards — even something as small as a Starbucks gift card — can motivate people to work extra hard on particular projects, encourage healthy competition among your employees, and increase employee engagement.

9. Celebrate Group Success

Celebrating the success of your group lets everyone feel like they’re part of something bigger. We suggest hosting a party for hitting corporate milestones or metrics, reaching the next level of career development, or reaching a work anniversary. Another benefit is that team-driven events and similar team-building activities build workplace camaraderie.

10. Recognize Individuals

Recognizing any of your team’s accomplishments is tremendously important. They feel like a valued member of the team, and the praise can propel them to future greatness — regardless of the occasion.

Stage virtual office birthday parties for your workers or make interactive cards to celebrate any exciting news in their personal lives. These types of engaging virtual celebrations can bring your team closer together.

11. Have Themed Outfit Days

Themed workdays are among the best employee engagement ideas to get people out of workday doldrums and inject some fun. Even if they are already dressing casually as remote workers, encourage everyone to follow certain outfit themes on particular days to give them the opportunity to feel connected to their peers.

12. Plan Fun Game Nights

Coworkers enjoying an office game night

Virtual game nights are an intriguing way to promote team-building while giving everyone a chance to unwind after work. You have a full range of enticing games to play, ranging from trivia to poker to charades. Providing a fun evening can truly leave an impression that you care about the well-being of your entire team.

13. Use a Social Platform

Remote workers often feel disconnected from people they don’t see in person or in-office. If your company has a WFH presence, use a social platform (not social media!) that encourages people to connect informally.

We recommend Slack and Zoom for their ease of use and comprehensive add-ons, but countless social platforms have the features you want and need.

14. Do Coffee Breaks and Lunches

Team lunches and coffee runs are two long-held office traditions. Although people have had to adjust how they do them remotely, we're seeing a surge in virtual lunches and virtual coffee breaks that provide a modern spin on classic co-worker initiatives.

We also find that employee engagement ideas such as Lunch Roulette are particularly helpful. This Slack-based app randomly connects two or more coworkers for lunch or coffee, allowing them to get to know each other in the process.

15. Use Hoppier for Event Catering

People eating salads at the office lunch table

Reliable catering at your virtual events is a key way to maintain audience engagement, so simplify the process by using Hoppier for all your grub. We have a long list of food vendors who will promptly deliver the items to each person in their respective locations. Our system can also be used for other employee engagement ideas, like giving a prize to incentivize your team or promoting health and wellness values.

16. Discover People’s Motivations

To capture and hold your team’s attention, discover each individual's unique day-to-day motivations. Some people are driven by tangible things, while others draw inspiration from long-term goals. Pinpoint what motivates employees from different departments and leverage it to improve job satisfaction and more appealing employee engagement activities.

17. Prioritize Work-Life Balance

Encouraging your team to have work-life balance is one of the best ways to keep them happy. If you can accommodate people’s personal plans to your best abilities, you’ll almost certainly be rewarded with a more engaged and loyal group of workers.

18. Allow Flexible Work Hours

One way to promote a healthy work-life balance is by allowing your employees to have flexible work hours. If they need to finish early one afternoon or have a particular day off, let them make up the time elsewhere to fit their schedule. It’s infinitely better to make your team feel valued as individuals as opposed to feeling overworked.

19. Support People Learning New Skills

You likely have several ambitious members of your team, so tap into that by encouraging them to learn new skills. There are countless workers out there who are eager to engage in upskilling for future goals, so support them by providing various learning opportunities.

20. Conduct Online Workshops or Webinars

Offering online workshops and webinars have been show to keep your employees satisfied. These virtual meetings can considerably help anyone looking to learn new skills. Whether a hands-on workshop or a discussion-focused webinar, hosting classes to learn new skills can be an impactful employee engagement idea.

21. Deliver Mentoring and Networking Events

Mentorship and networking events are other key things people look to acquire through work, but remote workers may find this challenging. Helping your home-based employees build their network of mentors and colleagues can benefit their long-term growth, while also giving them more reasons to stay with your company.

22. Establish a Health and Wellness Program

Promoting healthy living is never a bad idea. If you already have a health and wellness program established, make sure your team is aware of it. You can also consider offering free gym memberships, healthy snacks, or even in-office yoga or pilates sessions.

Encouraging people to be healthy shows that you genuinely care about their well-being, which can lead to a lasting commitment and improve employee retention.

23. Promote Volunteering

Some people love volunteering in their spare time, so come up with ways for your team to help in charitable endeavors. Volunteerism is an employee engagement idea that makes people proud to work for your company and offers a great look in terms of creative branding possibilities.

24. Throw Holiday Parties

People celebrating at an office holiday party

Office parties are always a fun way to boost company spirits, so make holiday parties a regular tradition. They allow you to show your appreciation with corporate holiday gifts and create a positive and engaging atmosphere that can build strong bonds among your team.

25. Make Personalized Group Awards

Personalized awards for group members express gratitude for each of your employees. Use nostalgic work memories to think of clever award names and hand them out to your staff at an office party. These inexpensive gift items should provide a combination of laughter and sincerity for everyone to enjoy.

26. Hand Out Corporate Swag

Swag isn’t dead yet, so long as you make it useful. It’s a unique solution that lets your employees feel proud about representing your organization. Consider making the swag a limited-edition gift, making it feel even more exclusive. Some options might include a nice blanket, cooler, tumblers, or coffee mugs.

27. Keep Trying New Ideas

One of the secrets of successful engagement is to consistently come up with new employee engagement ideas. Continue using any of your proven successful tools, but don’t be afraid to try new strategies, too. Fresh ideas lead to insightful discoveries, which can be used to generate a more engaging experience for all.

Hoppier: The Employee Engagement Tool You Never Knew You Needed

Nothing is worse as an event host than seeing people get hangry while waiting for the catering to show up. Prevent these situations with Hoppier to provide the food and drinks for your next event.

First, sign up for our program in just a few clicks. After creating a Hoppier account, upload money onto our virtual cards and distribute them to your team.

Hoppier virtual gift card

We have a huge vendor list to ensure everyone can order something they like, plus companies handle delivery so each person is assured of a terrific office party catering experience. Specify which vendors your guests can order from and feel free to encourage healthy options as part of a wellness program or competition.

Hoppier is a versatile tool that presents several other employee engagement ideas. Gamification is a common way to generate engagement, so feel free to use our easily transferable cards as prizes for team contests.

Keep Your Employees Engaged To Maximize Employee Experience

The importance of keeping your team engaged cannot be understated. As we continue to see a rise in the number of remote employees, we also learn about awesome ways to keep them happy and productive. Remember to try a wide variety of creative strategies, because you won’t know which employee employment ideas are the most successful until you implement them.

For more information on maintaining your team’s engagement, check out our webinar about creating memorable and engaging virtual events or read our blog detailing how to drive better audience engagement at virtual events.

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